
Monday, May 14, 2012

Avengers = Awesome

Lookout Batman, there are new kings of superhero movie kingdom, and they are The Avengers.  Back in 2008, Marvel Studios released a film staring Robert Downey Jr. as one of their lesser known comic book characters called Iron Man.   Downey Jr’s unique portrayal of the Tony Stark/Iron Man character help propel the film to a $585 million worldwide and thus created the Marvel Film Universe.  Soon other films in this universe followed, The Incredible Hulk (2008), Iron Man 2 (2010), Thor (2011) and finally Captain America: The First Avenger (2011).  All of these films, led to The Avengers, a film that joins the forces of Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America into one epic movie. 

I look back on Iron Man and if that film had been a total flop, I wouldn’t be writing this blog post today.  So I give Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau (Iron Man’s director) a ton of credit and praise for building a strong foundation for Marvel’s Film Universe.  They also get applause for taking an unknown character and making him a household name in the same breath as Batman, Superman and Spider-man.  

Going into this movie one of my biggest concerns was that this movie was going to be unbalanced and basically be Iron Man and the Avengers.  I think my reasoning behind this was because of other characters such as Captain America and Thor have not be as fleshed out as much as Iron Man and to a lesser extant the Hulk have.  I’m proud to report that is not the case in this movie.  Each major character is balanced within the movie’s story. 

Now you don’t have to comic book fan or see the five previous movies to enjoy The Avengers.   The film provides just enough information about the characters backgrounds and motivations   

The film’s story is rather simple.  The Earth is threatened by an unstable energy source. This leads to opening a wormhole and the launch of an alien invasion.  Because this threat is great the Earth's mightiest heroes must  join together to defeat this threat.

Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) and Loki (Tom Hiddleston) match wits.

What makes The Avengers a great comic book movie is the character conflict.  You would think that these superheroes play nice with each other but that’s not the case.  They don’t get along at all, but they put their differences aside to take on an enemy that none of them could handle alone. 

Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr). and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) are learning how to play nice with each other.

The film’s epic battle scene has to be one of the best I’ve seen in years with the Avengers taking on an alien invasion on the streets of New York, trying desperately to stand their ground.  This sequence is a comic book nerd’s dream, seeing all Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and Thor in battle together.

Captain America (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) battle the Chitauri alien race on the New York streets.

Director Joss Whedon has done a masterful job of balancing all these characters and blends their storylines into one piece of epic filmmaking.  This is a movie to see on the big screen.

What is your favorite film from Marvel’s Cinematic Universe?

Iron Man is my favorite Avenger


  1. First off, well written! I'm going to see it tomorrow. Secondly, Iron Man is a MAJOR marvel hero and always has been. If you don't know Iron Man, you weren't into comics. Also, I need I had to see this when I found out Joss Whedon at a hand in it (HUGE Buffy fan. It was like watching "Game Change" (Danny Strong) My buffy nerd won't let me miss this! LOL

    1. Thanks for your comment. When I was into reading Marvel comics, it was strictly Spider-man and X-Men. Unfortunately, I didn't read Iron Man or Avengers' comics unless it was a crossover event. I became interested in the Iron Man character after the 2008 movie and have been a fan ever since.

      Since your a Whedon fan, did you see Cabin in the Woods? He wrote the script and it's a great satire on the horror movie genre.

  2. I still haven't seen most of the movies that lead up to the Avengers, so I don't want to see that yet.

    I think I have seen all of the other Marvel movies, and I would have to say that the first Spiderman and X-Men are my favorite.

    I didn't read comics as a kid, but I watched the cartoons, especially the X-Men one. But from what I have heard, the cartoon stories were pretty close to the original comics. I always wanted to read X-Men, but it was so late into the run and had so much backstory, there was never a great time to jump in. And they are really bad about one of my biggest comics pet peeve... multiple titles for the same character (or group). I don't want to read (and buy) like 4 different titles just to know what is going on. Same with spiderman. I want to know that what I am reading is the real story, not just what happens in this title, and something completely different going on in another. One character, one title! lol
