
Monday, May 21, 2012

My Top 5 Favorite Films

Recently, I was asked what are my favorite movies of all time.  I love all different kinds of movies and for a variety reasons.  It was a difficult task to create a top five list of my favorite films, but here we go.

5. Heat-Al Pacino and Robert De Niro go head to head in this crime drama about a L.A. cop and a master thief.  I like this film because the acting is amazing and its fun to see De Niro and Pacino bring the A games to this film.  Also there is an awesome bank heist scene that is truly one of the most intense shoot outs ever caught on film.

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4. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring-Before I saw this movie, I had no connection to the source material.  When I went to see this movie, I fell in love with the entire universe.  This film is my favorite in The Lord of the Rings saga.  The story, cinematography and the production values turn this novel into an epic movie.

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3. The Matrix-When I saw previews for this movie I thought it was on the same level as Keanu Reeves previous tech film Johnny Mnemonic, and thought it was going to be terrible.  Boy, I was wrong about that early assessment. I saw The Martix  three months after I graduated from film school and this movie blew me away with its special effects, martial arts action and mythology.  The story revolves around a group of freedom fighters trying to destroy a computer intelligence called The Matrix.  It has a great mix of mythology, Japanese Anime and kung fu.  

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2. The Empire Strikes Back-While I love all the films in the original Star Wars trilogy, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite of the series.  I like the film's darker tone and  cinematography.  Luke finding out Vader is his father and Han frozen in carbonite and taken to Jabba the Hut are some of the great plot developments in this film.  The addition of Jedi Master Yoda to the series, is another outstanding aspects of this film. Also John Williams' film score is some of his best work. 

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1. Raiders of the Lost Ark-This is my favorite film of all time.  This film was the brain child of Star Wars creator George Lucas.  According to legend, while Steven Spielberg and Lucas were vacationing in Hawaii, Spielberg confessed that he wanted to direct a James Bond movie.  Lucas told him that he had a better idea than James Bond.  From there the two began developing the Indiana Jones character and film.  Both creators were fascinated with movie cliffhanger serials in their youth and decide structure the film that way. 
I love this film for a ton of reasons.  The first reason is Harrison Ford portrayal of Indiana Jones.  Ford brings an every man quality to character with the smarts and toughness to get out of any tricky situations he encounters. Another reason is action and the film’s pacing.  There’s never a dull moment in this movie and action sequences are epic.  It all starts with Indy getting chased by that giant boulder and ends trunk chase near the end of the film.  Finally the film takes place in the 1930s which is a great backdrop for this movie.  I love this time period in history. 

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Do you agree with my selections?  What are some of your favorite films?


  1. I love the list, but it's so weird how different your list is from mine. I can agree with Star Wars and maybe Indy Jones. And Heat was also a good choice. I never was a Matrix fan for some reason and I can't seem to like it to this day..

    1. hi Tim,

      What's on your top five favorite film list? Honestly, for me its extremely difficult to compile a list like this because I love so many movies. When I saw The Matrix, I really wasn't expecting much of anything, but that movie caught me by total surprise, which is huge in my book.

  2. Awesome top 5 choices. I haven't seen Heat tho. I am definitely going to check that one out. My top five (in no particular order) would be

    1. Fight Club
    2. The Godfather
    3. Silence of the Lambs
    4. The Big Lebowski
    5. Inception

  3. Ben,

    Great choices, Fight Club, Big Lebowski, Silence of the Lambs and Inception are some of my all time favorites. Never been a big Godfather fan. I admired those movies on a filmmaking level, but they never really captured my imagination.

  4. I must say, I am a bit surprised by your choices. Where is Fight Club or The Usual Suspects? Of course all of your selections are indeed good if not great movies, just not top 5 material in my opinion. In particular Heat and LotR, both good films, but more top 50 to top 100 candidates for me. That said I am going to drop my top ten for you to ridicule.

    1. The Dark Knight - Not only the best Comic Book Movie ever made but also one of the greatest action/drama/thriller/sci-fi films of all time.
    2. The Usual Suspects - Greatest Suspense Movie of all time in large part due to its twist ending to top all other surprise endings.
    3. The Star Wars Trilogy - Yes I put the full trilogy (that's right not saga, what prequels). Your right Empire is the best but I think the original Trilogy deserves a spot as a whole.
    4. Casablanca - Ok I love old movies and this one is easily the best film made in the black and white era. Great Story. Great Characters. Great setting.
    5. Vertigo - If i could put all of Hitchcock's films in one spot on my top 5 list I would, but since that would be cheating I chose the best of Hitchcock in my opinion. Its a tough battle between North by Northwest, Vertigo, Rear Window, Suspicion, and Notorious but Vertigo comes out on top as the Master of Suspense's greatest film.

    Well, there you have it. Let the abuse begin.

  5. I cant say what is my top 5, but some of my favorites are of course all of the Star Wars, the LOTR trilogy, Airplane, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Highlander, plus more that I just can't think of right now lol
